Please call us today toll free, atCase #YC046981. Reduced 55% for the negligence of Plaintiff Wagner-Believed to be the largest gross damage award for a Plaintiff in an automobile accident in the Torrance court.

This was a three car freeway accident. Plaintiff was the middle car and was struck from behind by the Grantham Mercedes which pushed her into the car ahead. The defendant contended that the Plaintiff=s car struck the car ahead before they struck her which deprived the defendant of normal stopping distance.

Plaintiff's injures were soft tissue neck and low back injuries arising out of a driver=s seat failure. After initial improvement her low back progressively got worse until she had fusion of L4 to L5 and L5 to S1. She had a second surgery to remove Harrington hardware used to stabilize the joints until the fusion was complete. Plaintiff alleged a relatively poor result with proprioception; a condition resulting in the loss of understanding of how her feet were positioned and resulting loss of balance.